Vermont Real Estate – The Independent State

Vermont has always been a state sticking to independent principles. Tucked away in the Northeast, Vermont real estate is a very good deal. 


From the first day of existence, Vermont has always had a major independent streak. The first state to outlaw slavery, Vermont actually refused to join other states in the formation of the United States. Eventually becoming the fourteenth state in the Union, Vermont maintains a strong independent streak with the first same sex marriage laws, the only socialist party Senator in Congress and laws severely limiting the use of billboard advertising. Overall, Vermont is a state where strong community values are expressed and privacy is appreciated. 


Located on the shores of Lake Champlain, Burlington is the biggest city in Vermont with a population of roughly 45,000. Located close to Montreal, Canada, the city has an odd, charming Canadian atmosphere, but with an interesting catch. The city is also the home to the University of Vermont, which carries with it a strong college influence. This mix gives the city a unique feel with development being restricted and walking spaces and parks favored over mass housing developments. As with all cities in the Northeast, the onset of fall turns Burlington in a city bursting with colors. 


Stowe is a small town in Vermont, but I have to mention it. Located in forested, rolling hills, Stowe is the single best place to watch the leaves turn in fall in the United States. To say there is a burst of color is to understate the situation completely. It is simply amazing, so much so that I recommend it for people keeping a list of 100 things they want to do in their life. 

The town of Stowe is a classic, historic Northeastern location. The center of the town is a historic village and, frankly, the place you should try to live. Due to its location next to a major ski resort, the town has seen an explosion of condos and less interesting housing around the perimeter. Still, Stowe is definitely a place worth considering in the Northeast. 

Vermont Real Estate

Vermont real estate prices are very reasonable in relation to the state surrounding it. A single-family residence in Burlington will run $335,000 on average, a price generally found throughout the state. 

With such reasonable real estate prices, one might think the appreciation rate in Vermont is modest. In truth, property appreciated at a rather surprising 15 percent in 2005.

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