Real Estate Forms

Anytime you spend your hard earned money to buy something, you should always have it documented.  When you purchase smaller items, such as items at a convenience store, you’ll normally be given a receipt.  When you purchase larger items, such as televisions and furniture, it will involve a bit more documentation.  In exchange for your …

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Mistake # 1. Spending thousands of dollars buying books, tapes and attending seminars and then putting all of that information on a bookshelf and never looking at (or using) it. Comment: i am continually amazed at the number of “would be” investors who have spent a bundle of money attending seminars, getting an education and …


3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Playing in the Real Estate Game

So you’ve seen your umpteenth infomercial with the guy in his neatly pressed button-upped white T-Shirt grinning ear to ear waving his rock-solid no-money-down rags-to-riches real estate investment course for 3 easy payments of a gazillion dollars (but only if you call now) and now you are thinking, “wow this looks like a great deal, …

3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Playing in the Real Estate Game Read More »